I'm right there with you
Finding a therapist can be a challenging and vulnerable process. Trust your intuition and ask questions as they arise. The fit between you and your therapist will be an important part of your therapeutic experience. As your potential therapist, I'm equally committed to helping you feel welcome, safe and heard. To help us determine whether this is the right match for your needs, I offer a free 10-minute phone consultation prior to starting therapy.
If we decide to move forward with the process, we will discuss your situation in more depth, explore your strengths and needs and identify your goals for therapy in our first session.
Fees & Insurance
Therapy is an investment in your mental health and well-being. Because I am mindful of your time and finances, we will work together to create productive sessions for your identified therapy goals.
Sessions are typically 50 minutes for individuals, couples and families. For couples therapy, please note that the first session is typically 75 minutes; 50-minute sessions are provided thereafter. We will discuss fees during our phone consultation. Payment for sessions is due the same day as services rendered. Payment methods include: credit cards, personal checks, cash, FSA and HSA. Please note that I do not take insurance at this time.
I respect your privacy and autonomy in treatment and do my best to facilitate safety and trust in the therapeutic relationship. What you say in therapy is private and confidential and cannot be shared without your written consent.
Please be aware that Licensed Clinical Social Workers are mandated reporters and are required by law to break confidentiality in certain circumstances: when there is a reasonable suspicion of child abuse or neglect, when there is suspicion or evidence of elder abuse, when an individual is in physical danger of harming himself/herself or is a danger to others and to comply with specific court orders.
Social Media Policy
In order to protect your confidentiality and the boundaries of our clinical relationship, I do not engage in social media contact with clients. Please note that I will not accept friend or contact requests from current or former clients on any social networking sites (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.). Additionally, clients are discouraged from posting in any way about their therapeutic process. This includes posting reviews and/or other information related to our clinical relationship on the internet or in print.